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About Rajasthan

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Why Agriculture Exhibition in Rajasthan?

Agriculture in Rajasthan

Rajasthan has a diverse cropping pattern, with farmers cultivating a range of crops such as wheat, barley, maize, millets, oilseeds, pulses, cotton, and sugarcane. This diversification helps in mitigating risks associated with climate variability and market fluctuations.

The state is divided into different agro-climatic zones, each with its own unique characteristics and crop suitability. This allows for targeted agricultural practices and the selection of crops that are best suited to the specific zone, optimizing productivity.

Rajasthan has immense potential for horticulture due to its favourable climatic conditions. Fruits like citrus, pomegranate, grapes, mangoes, and vegetables like tomatoes, onions, and potatoes are grown in various parts of the state.

Animal husbandry plays a significant role in agriculture in Rajasthan. The state is known for its cattle, goat, sheep, and camel population. Livestock production not only provides dairy products, meat, wool, and other by-products but also serves as a source of livelihood diversification and income stability for farmers.

Rajasthan has agricultural research institutions and universities that focus on developing and disseminating improved farming practices, crop varieties, and technologies suitable for the region. These research efforts contribute to the advancement of agriculture in the state and help farmers adopt innovative techniques.

Agriculture exhibitions in Rajasthan will bring together farmers, agricultural experts, researchers, government officials, agribusiness companies, and other industry professionals under one roof. This provides an excellent opportunity for networking, building relationships, and exploring potential business collaborations. Exhibitions will offer a platform for farmers and agribusiness companies to showcase their products, innovations, and services to a wide audience. It will allow them to reach potential customers, buyers, and distributors from different regions. This can lead to new market opportunities and expansion of their business.